Coaching Institute

This event enables teacher educators to unpack and practice the work of coaching and supporting beginning teachers to build their instructional skill in a supportive and dynamic environment. The next Coaching Institute will be held October 20-21 (ELA strand) and October 27-28, 2023 (mathematics strand, advanced strand) in Ann Arbor, MI. Click below to register by September 28, 2023.    

Quicklinks:     About   |     Justice   |    Logistics   |    Registration  |   FAQ

About the Coaching Institute

A hands-on opportunity to practice coaching teacher candidates

The Coaching Institute provides a unique opportunity to work with teacher educators from around the United States to consider the meaning of excellence in K-12 teaching, and identify ways to convey that vision to teacher candidates through coaching. Participants will learn to design and implement rehearsal-based pedagogies, including specific techniques for coaching teacher candidates who are practicing teaching in simulated settings. There will be many opportunities for practice, with support and coaching from TeachingWorks facilitators.

Learn techniques for coaching and providing feedback

Learn techniques for coaching and providing feedback

Unpack and practice the work of supporting teacher candidates to build their instructional skill.

Practice with teacher candidates in real time

Practice with teacher candidates in real time

Try out practice-based teacher education pedagogies with novice teachers from teacher preparation programs local to the Ann Arbor, MI area.

Gain tools for planning and implementing coaching activities

Gain tools for planning and implementing coaching activities

Learn the professional norms that can make intensive coaching feel uncomfortable, and identify ways to shift them using effective tools and planning.


Subject matter strands

We offer two subject matter strands at the Coaching Institute: (1) English language arts (ELA) and social studies, and (2) mathematics and science. All participants may choose one of these strands, regardless of what courses or subject matter they teach. We design the sessions to be accessible to all participants, even if they are not deeply familiar with the subject matter. Teacher educators who do not teach subject matter methods courses should simply choose the strand with which they feel most comfortable.


Advanced strand

Looking to further refine your skills at planning and leading rehearsals and coaching teacher candidates? The brand new advanced strand of the Coaching Institute is an opportunity for teacher educators in all content areas who already have some experience facilitating rehearsals to go even deeper. Participants will practice in-the-moment coaching strategies with actual teacher candidates and work through common problems of coaching practice. Using shared scenarios as a common reference point, participants will refine their capacity to give powerful feedback, to launch and debrief rehearsals more effectively, and to attend more closely to content and equity considerations during rehearsal. The advanced strand will also support participants to draw on one another’s expertise and workshop rehearsal plans and tools for real-time use in their own teaching contexts.  Previous experience is required to join this strand, such as prior attendance at a Coaching Institute or participation in our Certificate Sequence program or other TeachingWorks series (approved on a case-by-case basis). Participants must bring and share artifacts (e.g., video, lesson plans) of their own practice designing and/or facilitating rehearsals. Please contact Francesca Forzani ( for permission to enroll prior to registering.


Simulated teaching contexts and curriculum materials

Throughout our work together, we will focus on coaching teacher candidates on the high-leverage teaching practice leading group discussions. Learn more about this practice on the TeachingWorks Resource Library.  

We will use teaching contexts and prompts from open-source K-12 curriculum materials in common use across the United States. Situating our practice in detailed lesson plans and units increases the authenticity of our interactions, and helps familiarize teacher candidates with the work of analyzing and modifying curriculum materials.


About our teacher candidates

We will be working with teacher candidates from teacher preparation programs local to the Ann Arbor area. Teacher candidates are chosen from a lottery and are compensated for their time with a small stipend. All participating teacher candidates receive instruction from TeachingWorks staff before the Institute. We take care to ensure a positive learning experience for teacher candidates and teacher educators alike.

“I used to think teaching and discussing strategies was enough. But now I know there is extreme value in the in-the-moment, hands-on feedback.”

– 2019 Coaching Institute participant

Why does coaching matter for creating a more just society?

New and developing teachers need opportunities to see and actively intervene on patterns and behaviors that produce injustice in classrooms and in society. Coached rehearsals create opportunities for teacher candidates to practice critical parts of teaching that require professional judgment. They offer space not only for practice but for collective inquiry into the work of teaching. At the Coaching Institute, participants will practice offering teacher candidates intensive coaching to develop equitable instructional skills, including delivering constructive critique, pointing out alternative approaches, and providing opportunities to try again with support.

“I used to think I was knowledgeable about best practices to interrupt patterns of oppression. But now I know some specific strategies on how to teach my candidates how to do it.”

– 2019 Coaching Institute participant


All three strands of the Coaching  Institute will begin with a required, four-hour virtual opening session from 12:00  p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on Friday, October 13 for ELA and from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET on Friday, October 20 for mathematics and advanced strand.  

The ELA, mathematics, and advanced strands will take place in person at the University of Michigan School of Education in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Each strand will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET on Friday and  Saturday. The ELA strand will take place Friday, October 20, and Saturday, October 21. The mathematics and advanced strands will take place on Friday, October 27, and Saturday, October 28.


Location information

University of Michigan School of Education, 610 E. University Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. 

Parking is available and in walking distance to the School of Education at 650 S. Forest Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. The rate is $1.20/hr or $28.80 for 24 hrs or lost parking ticket. Rates are subject to change. 


Contact information

For questions about the sessions: Francesca Forzani, TeachingWorks Deputy Director,

For questions about registration, travel assistance, and policies: Kyana Taylor, TeachingWorks Project Manager,  

If an emergency arises while you are traveling,  please call us at 734.255.3115.


Session details & schedule

View a tentative schedule for the event here.  Please note that this is a sample schedule. A final schedule will be provided to all registered participants prior to the event.


The fee for each strand of the Fall 2023 Coaching Institute is $650.00 per person, plus credit card fees. This fee includes all programming, materials, and lunch on both days. If you register a group of five or more participants, you will receive one free registration. Participants must register in a single transaction to receive this rate. Participants are responsible for booking and paying for their travel to and from the Coaching Institute and hotel accommodations.

The deadline to register is September 28. Click below to register.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is the refund policy?

TeachingWorks reserves the right to cancel in-person, virtual, or hybrid training or workshops before the start. TeachingWorks staff will notify participants of cancellation via e-mail. Participants will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fee. TeachingWorks will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event, training, or workshop.

For a full refund (100%), participants must submit a written request to cancel or withdraw 30 days prior to the first day of the event (in-person or virtual). Fifty percent (50%) will be refunded for requests received 15 days prior. No refunds will be issued for requests received within seven (7) business days of the first day of the event or failure to submit the required documentation required for participation.


Who should participate?

Anyone who teaches teachers is welcome at the Coaching Institute. No previous experience with practice-based teacher education is necessary. The Institute is particularly geared toward instructors who work closely with teacher candidates, including methods course instructors, education foundations instructors, and education psychology instructors. Mentor and cooperating teachers in K-12 schools will also find the Institute valuable as a means to better coach and support teacher candidates, and to work toward ensuring coherent learning experiences for teacher candidates across both pre-service coursework and fieldwork.


What do I need to participate in the Coaching Institute?

Participants must have internet access, a computer laptop or tablet, and a webcam for the virtual synchronous session on Friday, October 13 or Friday, October 20, 2023.

During the in person sessions, participants are required to have  a laptop or tablet available for access to digital resources. No other supplies are required.


What are the requirements for participation?

This event includes group work with other participants and teacher candidates, and early departure from the event affects the individual participant experience and the experience of other participants and teacher candidates. Except for emergencies, please plan to stay for the entire event.


What is the dress attire for this event?

Business casual.


What are the COVID-19 protection measures that will be taken?

Your health and safety are important to us. We will evaluate appropriate COVID-19 precautions closer to the time of the event and communicate any requirements to attendees prior to the event.


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